C ternary operator is sometimes called conditional operator or ternary operator because it is a shorthand of combination of the if-else and return statement and has three operands. The syntax of C ternary operator is as follows:
| condition ? expression 1 : expression 2 |
C first evaluates the condition. Based on the return value of the condition the second or third operand is evaluated:
- If the condition is evaluated to true (1), only the second operand (expresion 1) is evaluated. Then the operator return the value of the expression 1.
- If the condtion is evaluated to false (0), only the third operand (expression 2) is evaluated. The value of the expression 2 is returned.
/*Demonstration of Conditional Operator */
int main()
int i,j,big;
printf("Enter values of i and j\n");
printf("Bigger number is %d",big);
return 0;
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